Color Therapy emerged from the synergy of two friends bound by a shared love for art, creativity, and the spiritual tapestry of our universe.

Following their convergence during architecture studies in Paris in 2010, Vlad and Robin embarked on parallel journeys while nurturing their profound friendship.

Vlad delved into landscape architecture and completed a master’s degree in experimental architecture. His work resides at the crossroads of digital design and analog art, leaving an indelible mark on the human psyche.

Meanwhile, Robin directed his focus toward shaping impactful events dedicated to exploring the planetary condition—ranging from global ecological concerns to cultural studies and personal reflections.

Their paths converged once again after traveling through South America, especially Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru. There, they discovered therapy through colors and chromotherapy, they turned up a profound connection that birthed the concept of Color Therapy.

Their adventures continued through Asia, culminating in a love affair with Bali’s unique atmosphere. Recognizing the absence of therapeutic practices through art and color following this specific way in this tropical haven, they embarked on a groundbreaking venture—giving birth to Color Therapy Bali, where their vision found its true and vibrant purpose.
